Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Seminary Lesson Doctrine and Covenants 93:1-20

Display a picture of a well known person the students will recognize, and ask them if they know the person's name and what he/she is known for.

  • why do so many people know who this person is?
  • Do you think it is important to know who this person is? why?
Display a picture of Jesus Christ.  Many people today do not know who he is.
  • Why do you think it's important to know who Jesus Christ is?
We are not able to achieve our full potential in this life without knowing who He is.
  • Why?
    • Je
In Doctrine and Covenants 93, the Lord teaches us how we can increase our knowledge of Jesus Christ and of His power to bless us.

Write on the board two questions with room to write answers.

Read D&C 93:1-5
  • Ask half of the students to look for answers to the first question with the other half looking for answers to the second question.

  1. What must we do to gain a testimony of Jesus Christ?
    • forsake our sins
    • come unto Christ
    • call on His name
    • obey His voice
  2. What can we know about Him if we do these things?
    • the Father and the Son are one (in mission--they are perfectly united in bringing to pass the Father's plan of Salvation.)
    • He received the fullness of the Father
      • D&C 93:16-17, 26
    • As we get to know Jesus Christ, we will come to know Heavenly Father too

Jesus was an intimate associate of two men named John: John the Baptist and John the Apostle.  Both men kept records about Jesus Christ, but only the record of the Apostle is in the New Testament.  The record referred to in the next verses refers to a record kept by John the Baptist.

In verse 18, and through Elder Orson Pratt we learn that "not only the records of the ancient inhabitants of this land are to come forth, but the records of those who slept on the eastern hemisphere. The records of John, him who baptized the Lamb of God, are yet to be revealed.  We are informed...that the fullness of the record of John is to be revealed to the Latter Day saints."  (1)

Read D&C 93:8-11

Identify the titles used to describe the Savior.
  • The Word / Messenger of Salvation (vs 8)
  • The Light / the Redeemer of the world (vs 9)
  • The Spirit of Truth (vs 9)
  • the Only begotten of the Father (vs 11)
The Word:

"In the Greek language of the New Testament, that word was "Logos" or "expression"...That may seem strange but it is appropriate. We use words to convey our expression to others. So Jesus was the Word, or the expression, of His father to the world."  (2)

The Messenger of Salvation

Jesus Christ is called the messenger of salvation because He declares the Father's words to us, and those who hear and obey His message will receive Salvation.

The Light of the World

Through the Light of Christ, Jesus gives life and light to all things.
He provides the perfet example of how all people should live.

Redeemer of the World

Through His atonement He paid the price for the sins of all mankind and made the resurrection of all people possible.

The Spirit of Truth

Jesus Christ does not lie and He reveals truth to all mankind.

Only Begotten of the Father

Jesus Christ is the greatest being to be born on this earth. God is the Father of all the spirits of mankind.  But Jesus Christ is the only person who was born into the world as the literal Son of God in the flesh.  Because Jesus was born of an immortal father, He had the power over death.  This power allowed Him to accomplish the Atonement and Resurrection for all mankind.

Because Jesus Christ was born of an earthly mother, He was born just like you and I.

"When Jesus lay in the manger, a helpless infant, He knew not that He was the Son of God, and that formerly He created the earth. When the edit of Herod was issued, He knew nothing of it; He had not power to save Himself; and His father and mother had to take Him and fly into Egypt to preserve Hi from the effects of that edict.  Well, He grew up to manhood, and during His progress it was revealed unto Him who He was, and for what purpose He was in the world. The glory and power He possessed before He came into the world and was made known unto Him." (3)

Just like you and I, Jesus had to learn who He was and His mission on Earth.

Read D&C 93:13
  • Jesus Christ grew from grace to grace until He received a fullness of the glory of His father.
  • What do you think this means?
  • Grace is strength and power from God that allows us to obtain eternal life and exaltation.
Just like Jesus, we can grow from Grace to Grace until we fulfill our Heavenly mission.  The mission to become like Jesus Christ and return to the fullness of the Father.

Ezra Taft Benson taught, "the only measure of true greatness is how close a man can become like Jesus. That man is greatest who is most like Christ and those who love Him most will be most like Him." (4)

If that goal seems unachievable, remember that Jesus did not have the fullness at first either, but received it line upon line, grace upon grace.  As He, and we, are more obedient to the Father's commandments, we will receive more and more power until a fullness of His power is received.  We just have to be obedient to His commandments and submissive to His will.

Read D&C 93:19
  • "Perfect worship is emulation. We honor those whom we imitate." (5)
  • What does it mean to worship someone?
  • How do we worship Heavenly Father?
Bruce R. McConkie explained, "To worship the Lord is to follow after him, to seek his face, to believe his doctrine, and to think his thoughts. 

It is to walk in his paths, to be baptized as Christ was, to preach that gospel of the kingdom which feel from his lips, and to heal the sick and raise the dead as he did.

To worship the Lord is to put first in our lives the things of his kingdom, to live by every word that proceedeth forth from the mouth of God, to center our whole hearts upon Christ and that salvation which comes because of him.

It is to walk in the light as he is in the light, to do the things that he wants done, to do what he would do under similar circumstances, to be as he is.

To worship the Lord is to walk in the Spirit, to rise above carnal things, to bridle our passions, and to over come the world.

It is to pay our tithes and offerings, to act as wise stewards in caring for those things which have been entrusted to our care, and to use our talents and means for the spreading of truth and building up of his kingdom.

To worship the Lord is to be married in the temple, to have children, to teach them the gospel, and to bring them up in light and truth.

It is to perfect the family unit, to honor our father and our mother; it is for a man to love his wife with all his heart and to cleave unto her and none else.

To worship the Lord is to visit the fatherless and the widows in their affliction and to keep ourselves unspotted from the world.

It is to work on a welfare project, to administer to the sick,to go on a a mission, to go....ministering...and to hold family home evening.

To worship the Lord is to study the gospel, to treasure up light and truth, to ponder in our hearts the things of his kingdom, and to make them part of our lives.  

It is to pray with all the energy of our souls, to preach by the power of the Spirit, to sing songs of praise and thanksgiving.

To worship is to work, to be actively engaged in a good cause, to be about our Father's business, to love and serve our fellowmen.

It is to feed the hungry, to clothe the naked, to comfort those that mourn, and to hold up the hands that hang down and to strengthen the feeble knees.

To worship the Lord is to stand valiantly in the cause of truth and righteousness, to let our influence for good to be felt in civic, cultural, educational, and governmental fields, and to support those laws and principles which further the Lords interest on earth.

To worship the Lord is to be of good cheer, to be courageous, to be valiant, to have the courage of our God given convictions and to keep the faith.

It is ten thousand times ten thousand things.  It is keeping the commandments of God.  It is living the whole law of the whole gospel." (6)

    That's quite a list isn't.  When we look at the gospel and the list of things we are supposed to do each day, it can get overwhelming sometimes.

    But Lorenzo Snow said:

    "Do not expect to become perfect at once.  If you do, you will be disappointed. Be better today than you were yesterday, and be better tomorrow than you are today. The temptations that perhaps partially over come us today, let them not overcome us so far tomorrow. Thus continue to be a little better day by day: and do not let your life wear away without accomplishing good to others as we as to ourselves." (7)

    It boils down to if we keep the commandments a little bit better every day, we can receive His grace line upon line to someday see Christ and receive the fullness of the Father just as Christ did.

    1. Journal of Discourses, Orson Pratt, 16:58
    2. "Jesus the Christ: Our Master and More, Russell M. Nelson, April 2000)
    3. Lorenzo Snow, Conference Report, April 1901
    4. Ezra Taft Benson, Conference Report, October 1972
    5. The Promised Messiah: The First Coming of Christ, Bruce R. McConkie, 1978
    6. Bruce R. McConkie, Conference Report, October 1971.
    7. Teachings of the Presidents of the Church, Lorenzo Snow, 2012

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